Bikini Mod
New member
The truth is that A LOT of men would have issue if a woman TOLD THEM how to lick the kitty.... not to mention giving them ANY OTHER DIRECTION!
I realize that being a bitch about TELLING someone how to do something (especially in bed) is a TOTAL turn off.. So I instead try and encourage them when they are doing something RIGHT. For example, if we are having intercourse and he is EXACTLY where I want him, I say, "NO, NO BABY - DON'T MOVE.... LET ME DO ALL THE WORK... I HAVE YOU EXACTLY WHERE I WANT YOU... LET ME FUCK YOU!" or if a position isn't working as well as it should, I just say, "Baby, do you wanna do doggie?" I get the pillow, put it under my abdomen, arch my back, spread my legs and rub the bean... Shit, hello! I WANNA GET OFF TOO, y'know!
So believe me when I tell you I think I can give pretty good direction in bed.
As for the lickenz thing... There has only been ONE MAN who has given me mind-blowing EVERYTHING! Yes, there have been some that did a MORE THAN ADEQUATE JOB - true, but this guy - SWEET JESUS!... His skill is unmatched - IN EVERY ARENA both IN AND OUT of the bedroom!
I am 34 years old - yes, and if any of you repeat that I will personally crush your head between my thighs - LOL!... and though my ex more than satisfied me sexually, this was one area where he was lacking. He did try, but since he "sucked" I hardly ever asked for it and even discouraged it.
Truthfully, I never thought that I was much good at felatio myself.. but the dude who I was talking about before.... his exact words to me about the topic were, "Don't you EVER doubt your skill in this area." So either we just clicked like nobody's business with each other.... or I truly did do a good job!
Personally, I always give it my best... I want to please who I am with as much as I want to be pleased.
Now, if a guy can not give me good oral... I don't want ANYTHING to do with him. I find that if he can not lick the kitty properly, chances are the rest of his skills are also lacking.
Truth be told, even if the dude CAN NOT get it up... it is pretty much ok with me... as long as he can lick the kitty - I am touching God and all is right in the universe.
Know whaddaya mean?
I realize that being a bitch about TELLING someone how to do something (especially in bed) is a TOTAL turn off.. So I instead try and encourage them when they are doing something RIGHT. For example, if we are having intercourse and he is EXACTLY where I want him, I say, "NO, NO BABY - DON'T MOVE.... LET ME DO ALL THE WORK... I HAVE YOU EXACTLY WHERE I WANT YOU... LET ME FUCK YOU!" or if a position isn't working as well as it should, I just say, "Baby, do you wanna do doggie?" I get the pillow, put it under my abdomen, arch my back, spread my legs and rub the bean... Shit, hello! I WANNA GET OFF TOO, y'know!
So believe me when I tell you I think I can give pretty good direction in bed.
As for the lickenz thing... There has only been ONE MAN who has given me mind-blowing EVERYTHING! Yes, there have been some that did a MORE THAN ADEQUATE JOB - true, but this guy - SWEET JESUS!... His skill is unmatched - IN EVERY ARENA both IN AND OUT of the bedroom!
I am 34 years old - yes, and if any of you repeat that I will personally crush your head between my thighs - LOL!... and though my ex more than satisfied me sexually, this was one area where he was lacking. He did try, but since he "sucked" I hardly ever asked for it and even discouraged it.
Truthfully, I never thought that I was much good at felatio myself.. but the dude who I was talking about before.... his exact words to me about the topic were, "Don't you EVER doubt your skill in this area." So either we just clicked like nobody's business with each other.... or I truly did do a good job!

Personally, I always give it my best... I want to please who I am with as much as I want to be pleased.
Now, if a guy can not give me good oral... I don't want ANYTHING to do with him. I find that if he can not lick the kitty properly, chances are the rest of his skills are also lacking.
Truth be told, even if the dude CAN NOT get it up... it is pretty much ok with me... as long as he can lick the kitty - I am touching God and all is right in the universe.
Know whaddaya mean?