what are you talking about baby? the fitness females or the bodybuilding ones? never seen the latter befoer but the former you can see in some magazines. they look "normal"- they dont have much muscletone on them like they do when they are competing.
bananamilk, Brickgirl put her precomp pic's up not to long ago. She is not bb I believe she is fitness but it is an incredible difference her on season and off season. Absoutly amazing transformation in her body.
I believe Corn is the one who requested pics in a post on the womens board. Do a search for either him or Brickgirl..
I will see if I can find it and bump it up for you.
I would say diet is the most important part. I would reserve the AS after your body has reach its plateau. That is when you are more likley to recieve your best results.