Eq is a good drug for women too around 50-100mg a week,I would throw in 3000-6000mcg of b12 to help increase RBC's for alil size. Turinabol is not a bad choice either. Clen, t3, t4 hgh are good cutting agents.
I do agree with this overall. I see too many women coming on here and asking about substances because their "boyfriend" told then to take it - that it is a magic fat burner and will make them "toned". WHATEVER
I do not agree with the male opinion (and some females) that all AAS is wrong for females, and that all AAS will make a female look like a male. BS.
AAS DOES have it's place in women, but ONLY when diet and training are SPOT on - and have been for years. Even then, intensive research should be done by the female wanting to take it. And that rarely happens.
You see, I'm not an extremist when it comes to AAS and women......but I think moderation and caution is best exercised when you are fucking with a woman's body.....the delicate balance has to remain.
What's the situation regarding women and pct? Is this in any way an issue for women? Do the ovaries get shut down at all with excess test or maybe the opposite and they go into overdrive?
What's the situation regarding women and pct? Is this in any way an issue for women? Do the ovaries get shut down at all with excess test or maybe the opposite and they go into overdrive?
No, because women have naturally occuring Test in their body already, and they aren't taking in enough to masculinize them, so no PCT is needed. Additionally, once their BF% goes back up to where it's supposed to be they will regain their period and everthing will be back to normal. Excess test will cause a woman's sex drive to max out, but this is only temporary while they are on.