4 mg of stanozolol and 5 mg of oxandrolone is alot for a 1/2 kg rat, but not a 50+ kg human.
Forget Halo and Methyl-T. A little (25/wk) of T cypionate or enanthate will do for libido, they use up to 150 mg every 5 weeks clinically for libido in women, and there is no difference between cypionate or enanthate except in BB fairytale land.
Even a little 2 mg of Halo or Methyl-T will f*** up your blood lipids where a T ester will not. So, why not just use T? Besides, anything expect T is not naturally produced in the body.
Forget Halo and Methyl-T. A little (25/wk) of T cypionate or enanthate will do for libido, they use up to 150 mg every 5 weeks clinically for libido in women, and there is no difference between cypionate or enanthate except in BB fairytale land.
Even a little 2 mg of Halo or Methyl-T will f*** up your blood lipids where a T ester will not. So, why not just use T? Besides, anything expect T is not naturally produced in the body.