Arimidex by itself is close to useless in women with functional ovaries. This is why it's mainly used in POST menopausal women, or women who have had their ovaries removed. It may be of use for serious female BBs who are using decent amounts of aromatizeable gear. Their ovaries are often not very functional and their main source of estrogen may be from peripheral conversion (same as men). But normal women, NO.
Nolvadex is estrogenic in most tissues, but is strongly anti-estrogenic in breast tissue. This is why it's used in treating/preventing breast cancer in both pre and postmenopausal women. So it really won't help with general estrogenic fat deposits either. There is in fact evidence that Nolvadex increases fat deposition in women, rather then decreases. Again, very lean, serious female BBs may be the exception, but they use it to 'harden up' close to competitions when they've already got their %bf very low through diet, exercise and AAS/hGH/clen, etc.....