I have just decided to do my first cycle. I have been bustin my ass in the gym for the past 2 1/2 years and have gained about 35 lbs all natural...i'm 22 years old 5'7 165 lbs. I know i'm ready for AS because i have gained so much naturally..my friends think i'm on roids anyways because i have good symmetry and muscularity. Its really from intense training and proper nutrition. I was wanting to get some EQ but i dedcided to get deca because this deca is 200mg as oppossed to the EQ which is 100mg. They both would have cost me the same for a bottle. I took my first shot last week @ 200 mg and will take 400 next week. I am trying to buk up and have the right post cycle drugs. Why does it seem like everyone says that deca isn't that good. I really just need the positive reinforcement that this deca will make me grow ( as long as I train hard and eat like an animal) Sorry about the long ass post!