hamstershaver said:
women usually just laugh at my penis, i dont think they envy it
I understand Hammy but Im serious on it, it doesnt matter the size or aesthetic of one's penis. Its a stage of personality development by the most researched and validated psychological pioneer Freud. People get on his case and there are things that are easily attacked but the sheer amount of research on his theories makes him the most proven psychological school of thought. People hate when I clue them in on that b/c they are so used to hearing that freud was a moron so they are used to repeating it.
Penis evny is based on the electra complex.
A lil girl becomes aware that she doesnt have a penis, thinks it is a very valuable thing to have, and feels incomplete b/c of her lack. She envies anyone who has a penis, and becomes especially attracted to her father b/c of his possession of this organ.
Thus, she competes with her mother for her father's affections. At the same time, she becomes anxious and represses her ambivalent feelings. Eventually she identifies with her mother, but she cannot resolve her penis envy until she grows up and gives birth to a son "who brings the longed-for penis with him" (apparently the woman who never has children or is blessed only with daughters is doomed to suffer penis envy all her life).
Freud maintained that that lil girls never completely overcome penis envy (so the females are left generally envious and suffering from low self esteem), and that they do not resolve the phallic stage as well as lil boys do.
Im just a messenger, I didnt write it, just the most validated and researched explanations to human development end of story