One thing I've noticed is a HUGE increase of popularity in TRT. It's crazy at the amount of people going on and getting approved for it these days. There used to just be the clinics in FL and CA but now it's more mainstream.
The pharmacies and manufacturers have a huge back orders on it. As my pharmacist expresses - "it's liquid gold" and can never get enough to keep on the shelves.
With the increase of getting put on TRT, it's pretty much just as good, if not a better option as being legal. At least you can be monitored by a doctor while doing so. And if you find a decent doctor, your dose can be a very effective amount. Where they won't just keep you "above normal" levels.
really the thread should be about the way docs and patients are abusing TRT. instead of exhausting other remedies such as lifestyle, diet, exercise, etc. docs are being trained to put guys on TRT right away. you even have 20 year olds going on them