man that's crazy. I found the exact same tiger online. Only difference was this one didn't have part of the face painted over.
That reference picture is out of our libary archives ,so i'm not supprised ,it probably has been done many times,thats one of the reasons I don't use it,its not an original, but this is being done for my friend's 12 yr old daughter and i didn't have a reference pix,so i'm doing it for her 13th birthday next week, she likes big cats, cougars,lepards,tigers...etc, she wants to be a vet someday.
Just so theres no confusion, here is an original from the smoky mts
Cades cove
and a few yrs back there was a thread shit talking me that my pictures were fake, there was even a mod involved, Why? i've never said anything bad to anyone, so i put this up, i could have made it alot more detailed ,but why waste time? My point was to the naysayers to put their foot back in their mouth!
Thanks to lestat...oh! look in the lower right and you'll see my name.