WOW! So, here's my deal:
I studied, asked questions... finally took the plunge about 5 weeks ago... Can't say I was too impressed. 450ew prim0, 250ew Sustanon, dat's about it....but this week hit shit.
I know it's not big numbers for most of you guys...but even until about a year ago, I've NEVER been able to bench more than 225 for 3 rep max. After 5 weeks, working hard, my squat is up about 50lbs, my d/l about 100lbs... everything is UP (except my dick).... the bench...worked up to 265 for 3 reps on my 5th set!!! Very smooth, controlled, complete lift. NO BOUNCE. I felt like I, no...I KNOW I could do I just burned out my pecs...gonna try again next week.
The pumps...the feeling of real "hardness" just can't be beat! I'm an old fucker, 45, my natural test is fucking in the toilet...trying to keep up with my 26 year old hottie wife... well, let's just say I leave that to the "other girls" hehehe.... Anyway...I really just want to be a bit more "beastly" by the time I hit 50... you know... look fucking GOOD. Be FUCKIN STRONG!! NO doubt I've reached my genetic potential, this cycle has pushed me over the challenges await!
Am not not sorry I did not start sooner....I don't think I needed it because I'm not a competitor, never was... never will be... but man... it's great to FEEL as strong as this.... and I feel FUCKING GREAT. GO FUCK THOSE LIARS WHO CONDEM AS. Seriously, used RIGHT, for the RIGHT reasons... it's a NEW LEASE ON LIFE.... especially for me.
Thanks NELSON, NEEDTO, HOLYGHOST, TATYANA, MR. X, And you others who chimed in when i was asking stupid newbie questions.
I was "thinking" about going all natty when I'm done with this...and I will. With post cycle and the diet down. I want to see what I've got... RIPPED.... but next year....Cycle 2. Period. I got pics of my fat ass before this cycle...DAY one...I'm going to diet down for 8 weeks...see how my strength and muscle hold out.... and post some AFTER SHOTS.... but not UNTIL the diet is over though...
I've been eating a LOT to grow (did the Nelson 2 week whole everything diet...geezus....I could not eat that much!!!)...and I do think i've packed on some quality muscle. Not a lot, that's for sure... but I think I've "amped" the muscle I have...and it will look great once the excess is off!