sub = dude lifts and is college. that is a recipe for getting laid in college. even angry dudes get laid in college.
healother = dude is hopeless, BUT, he has met at least 2 or 3 chicks from the webs. And we ALL know that your % chances of getting laid off the net are about 89%, so he's on the right track. He'll probably only get it in for a minute or 2 before he starts crying, but it still counts for this crew.
samoth = already went over him.
aap = dude will get laid first, cause he's the ugly nice guy who is friends with chicks and has no balls whatsoever. so eventually a friend who is a girl will come over crying late one night, saying that two black dudes just DPd her in the ass and she feels so bad about herself. Then he'll toss her salad and throw it in her while he tells her he loves her and to never leave him...ever.