New member
I was sitting here looking at my new scar on my knee from my ACL reconstruction (month post op this friday!!) and I began thinking alot about what I've been doing lately, which is really just staying home and doing my exercises and watching TV, and stretching my knee. I can't believe its already June. It seems like just yesterday I was walking into the weight room to do some deads and really get after it. Now its a struggle just to walk all day long. I ignore it, put it to the back of my mind and try and think about when it will be better, but honestly I don't even remember what it is like to run, or skip, or cut up in the yard anymore. I was doing my exercises today, and my mother happened to walk in when I was doing them, and she saw me grunting on some lunges and said "You know, I really admire you". I was kinda stunned. All I could think about was "Admire me?!? All I've been is negative the whole time, your the positive one!!" Of course I didnt say that, I just said thanks and kept on going. Then I began to really think about it. Through all this, she's been so positive, when even I thought everything was going to be so horrible, she just kept her spirits up and tried to help me. There was a point when the insurance wasn't going to pay for any of my surgeries on my knee or anything, the total was going to be somewhere around 40-50k and she even said everything would still be fine, we would be ok, even through that. My father has been the same way, through all the horrible stuff thats happened over the past year, he's kept on going and kept on trying. My mother and father are my hero's. No matter what I've done, all the trouble I've caused throughout my childhood and even now that I'm older, they have always loved me, not just because they are my parents and thats what parents do, but because they generally love who I am and know whats inside of me. They inspire me everyday to keep on going. What about you? Who helps you out? Who do you look up to?