for a weekend of fun? I just bought some red panties and a red bra....should I have bought black?....I am really looking foreward to this weekend. It is a milestone for me... What else should I do?
for a weekend of fun? I just bought some red panties and a red bra....should I have bought black?....I am really looking foreward to this weekend. It is a milestone for me... What else should I do?
Gosh, but I have had this planned for a while.and if it goes good, were doing it again the weekend after Easter...Im thinking the first time will be sort of.....awkward but Im sure we will figure things out as we go.what each one likes, what they dont, im game for almost anythng thank you ex bf for showing me that there is life beyond missionary
I hope so, ive lightened my hair, tanned the bod...and the last time he saw me he called me"stunning" that was the sweetest thing anyones ever said to me...and we didnt have sex then lol so im looking foreward to it