I don't have a list of people accused of pirating versus a list of people accused of using gear, but what do you get for doing gear? A nights stay at the county jail and your stash tooken. If you are found with illegal warez you can be fined up to $200,000 and/or 5 years in prison. Both cases are rare, very rare, but examples have to be made, and I personally would not want to be that person who spends the next 5 years in prison because I wanted a $20 game for free. This has happen before, just a few months ago, if memory serves me well, a person was found with 9 N64 ROMS and Nintendo filed, and won, a law suit against him. It was for personal use and he did not distribute. Do what you want though, as Enock said, you can use and distribute it with virtually no risk, just hope you're not the one that Microsoft decides to make an example out of. Its always the little guy who gets screwed, never the big distributer. I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm just telling you as it is. Another big reason not to pirate is the risk of viruses. Alot of assholes out there like to send you .pif's over mIRC that fuck up your entire computer. Of course all these risks are dramitcally reduced if you have knowledge of pirating, which you should get before deciding to do so.