Hey guys!* My husband and I just recently had a miscarry, well I did. I was wondering if any of you have experienced one, and how long until you were allowed or supposed to wait to try again??
I'm sorry for your experience with that. I've never been there, but what does your doc say about physically? Also whenever you are ready mentally & spiritually.
So sorry you have to deal with this. I imagine it is devistating.
Your doctor will know best when PHYSICALLY you can try again. They usually say to wait until your period comes back (it often goes AWOL bec of elevated HCG levels). But it can really depend on your physical health, why you miscarried, and how far along you were.
Physically you may be ready, but emotionally you might have to wait. Wait until you feel ready again. Some people are ready right away, others need time to grieve and get over anxiety it will happen again.