New member
Ok, here goes on of my very first clueless questions, My husband tries to help as much as he can when it comes to increasing weight but told me he thinks I should get others opinions.
I have decided to take my weights training to a higher level of intensity. I just don't know how fast I should do it. After I realized that my legs were just kinda strong and they were not gonna get freak big by challenging them I decided to start doing deep squats, lunges, straigth legs deads, and leg presses.
Well I never have a spotter so my first goal was to squat my body weight.( everyone needs a first goal) I took a little while to get there, not because my arse could not push the weight but because lets face it I was a rookie trying to do everything I read right and not tip over forward. So about 2 months ago I finally did It and realized It was pretty easy (not nearly as hard as I thought) Pushing 10-12 on my 3rd and last set of 12. But I was scared of going up in weight. I was scared of
1. having to sacrificing my form and
2. failure ( yes I was scared of adding the weights and not being able to do it
None the less I put my fear and my form aside and decided to try to go up at least 5lbs. It went a little like this! (I know these weights are no where near spatts, or night fly etc. but I am by no means pl or ol I just to get over my first hump)
1st. set (warm up) 12-reps at 105 lbs
2nd. set 10-reps at 125 lbs
3rd. set 8- reps at 135 lbs
4th. set 6-reps at 155 lbs (
And i still felt strong I probably could of pushed 2- more forced reps.
So where do I go from here knowing that I could jump up in weight 20 lbs all at once and still get the rest of my leg day in. Am I short changing my legs I really fell that I could push more. So should I try or should I take my time and go up gradually. My next goal is gonna be 185lbs for at least 6 reps.
How do you know when you have reached your plateu and it is time to go slow and work on form again? Ok I know your gonna ask so here are my stats. I am 5'5" around 128 lbs I would say appx 18% Bf. And I have no specific goals like I said I just want to challenge my body to its fullest. I wouldn't consider myself a bb or a pl. I would love to venture into both worlds
. (I want my cake and I wanna eat it to.) I love the bb physique and I love the pure adrenaline the THOUGHT of squating 300+ pounds like a pl gives me.
This is a long thread and I may be starting to ramble so I end here fell free to ramble, flame or throw any suggestions my way.
Thanks in advance
I have decided to take my weights training to a higher level of intensity. I just don't know how fast I should do it. After I realized that my legs were just kinda strong and they were not gonna get freak big by challenging them I decided to start doing deep squats, lunges, straigth legs deads, and leg presses.
Well I never have a spotter so my first goal was to squat my body weight.( everyone needs a first goal) I took a little while to get there, not because my arse could not push the weight but because lets face it I was a rookie trying to do everything I read right and not tip over forward. So about 2 months ago I finally did It and realized It was pretty easy (not nearly as hard as I thought) Pushing 10-12 on my 3rd and last set of 12. But I was scared of going up in weight. I was scared of
1. having to sacrificing my form and
2. failure ( yes I was scared of adding the weights and not being able to do it

None the less I put my fear and my form aside and decided to try to go up at least 5lbs. It went a little like this! (I know these weights are no where near spatts, or night fly etc. but I am by no means pl or ol I just to get over my first hump)
1st. set (warm up) 12-reps at 105 lbs
2nd. set 10-reps at 125 lbs
3rd. set 8- reps at 135 lbs
4th. set 6-reps at 155 lbs (

And i still felt strong I probably could of pushed 2- more forced reps.
So where do I go from here knowing that I could jump up in weight 20 lbs all at once and still get the rest of my leg day in. Am I short changing my legs I really fell that I could push more. So should I try or should I take my time and go up gradually. My next goal is gonna be 185lbs for at least 6 reps.
How do you know when you have reached your plateu and it is time to go slow and work on form again? Ok I know your gonna ask so here are my stats. I am 5'5" around 128 lbs I would say appx 18% Bf. And I have no specific goals like I said I just want to challenge my body to its fullest. I wouldn't consider myself a bb or a pl. I would love to venture into both worlds

This is a long thread and I may be starting to ramble so I end here fell free to ramble, flame or throw any suggestions my way.
Thanks in advance