shit you wanna no about brotha bill.I know about brotha he follows me all over the internet on every board I am on he pops up to fuck with me.good times.I hate him yet I like him at the same time.he has his own site if you want to go check it out no ones posted there in years but you can learn a bit from it.
me and brotha bill had a site together that caused some drama around this board about a year back we came up with the idea over the phone one day and it took off fast..then shit hit the fan when he terned on me and the mod that was cutting and pasting the mod board on our was a big shit fest.he pulled the plug on the board so I mad another and the shit fest kept up for some time then I pulled the plug on that site as well because I sobered up and got to thinking what a fucked up pile of shit fest the hole thing was...
Anyone else find this really lame? I mean, how many "olololol" or "lol I'm gay" threads are necessary? Worse yet, how are these threads self-sustaining and reaching multiple pages?