hey!!! i was wondering why the hell am i not growing??? im eating to bulk..yes high carbs/cals/protein!! and traingin to bulk.. low reps heavey weights.. iam also on creatine and take a protein supp... and all thats happening is me getting FAT mabey its my genetis .. mabey not because when I first started to work out i was growning rappidly!! I MEAN RAPPIDLY for like the first 3 months...and then all of a sudden nothin has changed since hmm let me see... ahhh september!!!!! damn ..does anyone have n e suggestions of what cud be wrong???
my work out split is:
mon: chest/tris
friday: sholders
i eat about 6 meals a day...pastas.breads..potatoes.beans..all thoes heavy carb filled foods that were told to give mass..n nope just a fat outcome and the same muscle sized body!!! im just about ready to pack it in if nothing can be done!!! plzzz help!
my work out split is:
mon: chest/tris
friday: sholders
i eat about 6 meals a day...pastas.breads..potatoes.beans..all thoes heavy carb filled foods that were told to give mass..n nope just a fat outcome and the same muscle sized body!!! im just about ready to pack it in if nothing can be done!!! plzzz help!