The same as one for a male.
She can't target burn fat, and "toning" is Cosmo-Mag for "losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time."
Can you post her diet?
Here's what worked
for me:
Weights alternating heavy one week and moderate the next, for example:
Monday: legs
Tusday: back and rear delt
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Chest and tri's
Friday: shoulders and bis
Saturday: abs
On, for example Thursday, do shoulders light and bis heavy (start with the heavy) and then the next week shoulders heavy and bi's light. Heavy being about 90% of max and light being about 60% of max.
Cardio 5-7 days a week max
(start with 3 non-training days) first thing in the morning, empty stomach, OR AFTER WEIGHTS. My longer sessions were of moderate intensity, moderate speed, longer duration: walk up hill at 15% grade, 2.5 mph, for 60 min...point being, keep the heart rate between 135-140. I added a second cardio session in the evenings, 20-30 min, and straight protein after that, but only if one session and a clean diet aren't cutting it.
At least two of my 3 weekly sessions were HIIT Sprints on an eliptical or track. The key is to leave ammunition in the tank. Start with no cardio, when you stall add a few days, then a few more. When I get down around 10% I have to do moderate/long cardio in the AM and sprint in the PM. I used no AAS/AS or thermos to do this, and had success with the 3 times I used it.
My cutting diet looked like this:
You would have to alter the times by when you train, and cycle the carbs 3 days low (.5g/kg body weight) and 2 days high (2.0g/kg body weight), or high on training days and low on non training days. You would also need to adjust for YOUR BMR. The diet in the link represents the 100g CHO median; this means that low days were around 50g CHO and high days were 150-200g CHO. Almost all starchy carbs pre-workout, and fibrous after.
1Kg = 2.2046 lbs
Remember when figuring the carb intake to subtract out the fiber. For example: 2/3 cups green beans has 7g CHO, and 4g fiber, then your total CHO is only 3g.