i'm not sure for women but for men yohimbine is like an OTC viagra
I wish that were true, but it's not.
Yohimbine is a staple supplement, and very overlooked.
Yohimbine HCL is definitely better than the yohimbe extract... As is my opinioin with all synthetic supps vs naturall ocuring plant extract, ie Ephedra vs Ephedrine HCL. The synthetics are much more predictable, dosed more accurately, and all together cleaner.
Yohimbine HCL does make some people retain extra water... That's why I really like anafit's product yohimburn with the added topical caffeine. Really helps keep the water off the areas you are applying.
For me, it really works wonders to help burnt fat in my lower stomach, chest, and lower back, even the triceps.
For woman, I have seen it work time and time again on the lower stomach, tricep, inner theigh, glutes, and hamstrings. I believe it is really effective for getting rid of cellulite, as I have seen it make some pretty radical transitions.
Of course diet and training must be proper, but it's such a great boost to burn those estrogen releated fat stores before your body is really willing to give them up.
I also like combining the yohimburn with acetyl-l-carnitine, I believe it makes the combination much more effective. To me, the yohimburn/yohimbine frees up the fat to be shuttled, the ALCAR does a great job of shuttiling, then your fasted cardio does the rest in burning the fat away.
That's been my experience, 2 products that not many people use and they are super effective additions to any male or female shred out.