Not sure about where u throw in the Yohimburn -- prob just do it every day. The NYC & Hydroxycuts are both thermos, but one uses Norephedrine & the other uses ephedrine (or ma huang). You could cycle the NYC for 6 weeks then take a few weeks off, then go to the Hydroxycuts and repeat. Alot of the use of thermos has to do with which one you "like" the best.
I've done the home mix of ephedrine/no doz/aspirin, the old Adipokinetix, Thermodrene, Ripped Fuel, NYC, NYC+, etc. All of them except the NYC mixes are basically a panic-attack-in-a-bottle to me.
I would try each of them & see which one works for u the best & maybe stick w/ it. Cycle off to the alternate one occassionally and cycle off both occassionally to let your receptors recover.