I don't know what motivates me really. I just feel something burning deep inside of me. So, perhaps that is what motivates me. I always saw Sly, Arnie and Van on the screen as a child, never thinking I could look like those men that I saw as real life comic book heros come to life. Then one day I just got into it. Something about it created a desire inside of me. I loved it. I love the way it feels. How doing that one last set, or rep feels. Knowing I am in pain, but it's a sweet pain. Because I know that I just overcame a personal challenge. That I just busted my ass. I went through pain and sweat. I pushed myself to the very end, and there I am, standing. I have overcome. I know this, and it feels incredible. Then I think of how I am doing something that about 98% of the world doesn't have the guts to do. Knowing I just don't make up an excuse, or bs my way out of it. That I do it. I make it a part of my very heart and soul.
Is it hard sometimes? Yes, it's hard for all of us sometimes. Sometimes I feel like taking a nap instead, or going to catch a movie, or take a drive. Sometimes I just don't feel like I want to do that one last set. Then I think back to when I looked at those big screen heros. I think at how that was a dream then. Then I realize I am now living that dream, because I am doing it. I am building my body and mind. Once I do that, I realize I can't afford not to train.
This iron game can hurt your ego sometimes, it can push you to the brink of madness, it can make you feel pain that was once unknown, but it also gives you so much more. I couldn't even put all those wonderful rewards into the written word. It's just a feeling you get back from it. I'm sure you, and all my fellow Iron Brothers know that feeling. So, yeah, I don't think I need any motivation anymore. I guess the motivation is just part of the total package that comes with it. My life is different than most, but I for one wouldn't want it any other way....