Be above the age of 25
Because this is when a typical males Testosterone level starts to "stagnate"
Before you cycle make sure you have used KEY supps to the maximum efficacy.
What does this mean?
It means using creatine; at least 10 grams a day for several "2-3 months cycles"
It means using at least 15 grams of glutamine a day everyday
It means having at least 2 protein shakes a day on top of a great solid food bases diet.
Before you cycle make sure to have at least trained for 2-3 years at your peak natural level.
Not just lifting, you should be able to run 3 miles without any problems.
Only then can you truly assess what you are capable of, and only then will supra-physiological doses of Anabolic tap in to what your truly capable of genetically.
Now that your ready to do a first cycle, what should your first exotic stack be?
"Ta heck with you and your stacks".......Use Test only! ( either Enathate or Sus)
You want to give your body every possible advantage when you cycle, and knowing how you respond to the KING hormone will teach you alot when you want to utlize more compounds later.
Test is always the base of any advanced cycle anyway to preserve sexual function .
MOST important ; Test only cycles are the easiest to recover from since its easier to balance the endocrine system, gauge sides, and also you don't have to fight other more suppressive metabolites lingering around when you near Post Cycle Therapy.
How much should I use and how long?
Sorry the 200's wont do!
Why use just barely more then HRT doses?
Use at least 350 mgs and up to 550 mgs a week.
Sorry gentlemen you need to be a double version of your self you get double the gains.
Use alot of Test but no so much where you get excessive E conversion and need to Eat AI's like pez, or to the point when you feel like a marshmallow.
How Long is my cycle and what about an Oral Kickstart?
Cycle should be no less then 7 weeks longs, and no more then
9 is ideal. You get huge gains but also can recover real well for P.C.T

Oral kick-start I hate to say DOES maximize this cycle.
Use Dbol, Tbol or Beastdrol the first 4-5 weeks.
Why? Orals are bioaviable immediately and unlock the abilities body to build muscle ASAP and you dont have to wait 4-5 weeks for the Test E or Sus to kick in to a level where you can start to feel like your actually on a cycle..
You feel
ON from day one! and Gains start at week 1.
P.C.T is almost as important as the cycle.
or darn close.
You need a Serm, and an AI for sure, And also using some Pro T supps can help.
Start using them 10 days after Last Shot when T levels begin to fall from the injectables your doing.
Use them for 3-4 weeks to close the Feedback loop and force your body to kickstart its own endogenous production.
Also you wont get Fat in P/C/T since E will be covered.