New member
O.k guys last libido question for a while. Some background info first though. I have been on this board since 2001 under a different user name, had some issues with my account and had to start a new one up in 2007. I don't post a lot but I do spend a lot of time here reading. There are some very knowledgeable veterans on here and that is mostly who this question is geared towards, but will take any advise into consideration.
I have been cycling for 15 years, admittedly I started a little too early when I was 20. I'm 35 now. Every cycle I've ever done I used a good PCT regimen and feel that I completely recovered up till a few years ago. My test was a little low last year and my doc had discussed putting my on TRT but I'm still not sure If I'm ready for a life long commitment rt now even though I feel so much better on test so after my last cycle I decided to not come completly off and continue with 150mg TE for a few months after my cycle to "test the waters" I guess. Jun- August I did Masteron/Test E./ and winstrol cycle. 200mg M, 250TE, and 25W ED. When I came off I dropped the TE down to 150 and just maintained that dosage. I take 1 adex every few days because I"m pretty estrogen prone. Sex drive was great till early December then in a matter of a few weeks it just hit rock bottom. I want it all the time, but getting an erection is very difficult and keeping one is even harder. I am going to have blood work very soon but it might take me 3-4 weeks before I can do it so I would like theories of what you guys think it could be. I have not done HCG in a while but am about to get some to see if it makes a difference. I'm not sure if it's estrogen related, or test or androgen deficiency. I will say that if I take a 25mg proviron a day it seems to help. So is it possible the test dose is not putting enough test or androgen in my system? I've never considered that dose being too low but it makes me wonder. Or do ya'll think my estrogen is too low or too high? I have tried not taking the adex and it seems to make the problem a little worse so I'm at a loss. It seems the ratio of my test to estrogen is off one way or another. I will also say this about my background if it matters. I'm very sensitive to progesterone related drugs like deca. Kills my sex drive immediately but haven't done deca in 10 years. It also makes my gyno (i got in puberty) swell up within a week so I've very sensetive to progesterone it seems. I'm also somewhat sensitive to estrogen because I hold water on low doses of test and I also feel my gyno swelling so I always have to make sure estrogen is in check.
So The obvious answer is to go get bloodwork done which I'm in the process of doing but it will be a few more weeks and possibly a month before I get the results and since I don't like having no sex drive I'd really like some opinions. I'm only taking 150mg of test a week so is this problem most likely estrogen too high, or too low or not enough test? or the fact that I"m not doing any HCG occasionally. I don't want to have this problem if I have to go on TRT so I want to get this resolved before I have to make that decision. Sorry for writing a novel but wanted to be very thorough. Any legitimate advice from knowledgeable people will be appreciated.
I have been cycling for 15 years, admittedly I started a little too early when I was 20. I'm 35 now. Every cycle I've ever done I used a good PCT regimen and feel that I completely recovered up till a few years ago. My test was a little low last year and my doc had discussed putting my on TRT but I'm still not sure If I'm ready for a life long commitment rt now even though I feel so much better on test so after my last cycle I decided to not come completly off and continue with 150mg TE for a few months after my cycle to "test the waters" I guess. Jun- August I did Masteron/Test E./ and winstrol cycle. 200mg M, 250TE, and 25W ED. When I came off I dropped the TE down to 150 and just maintained that dosage. I take 1 adex every few days because I"m pretty estrogen prone. Sex drive was great till early December then in a matter of a few weeks it just hit rock bottom. I want it all the time, but getting an erection is very difficult and keeping one is even harder. I am going to have blood work very soon but it might take me 3-4 weeks before I can do it so I would like theories of what you guys think it could be. I have not done HCG in a while but am about to get some to see if it makes a difference. I'm not sure if it's estrogen related, or test or androgen deficiency. I will say that if I take a 25mg proviron a day it seems to help. So is it possible the test dose is not putting enough test or androgen in my system? I've never considered that dose being too low but it makes me wonder. Or do ya'll think my estrogen is too low or too high? I have tried not taking the adex and it seems to make the problem a little worse so I'm at a loss. It seems the ratio of my test to estrogen is off one way or another. I will also say this about my background if it matters. I'm very sensitive to progesterone related drugs like deca. Kills my sex drive immediately but haven't done deca in 10 years. It also makes my gyno (i got in puberty) swell up within a week so I've very sensetive to progesterone it seems. I'm also somewhat sensitive to estrogen because I hold water on low doses of test and I also feel my gyno swelling so I always have to make sure estrogen is in check.
So The obvious answer is to go get bloodwork done which I'm in the process of doing but it will be a few more weeks and possibly a month before I get the results and since I don't like having no sex drive I'd really like some opinions. I'm only taking 150mg of test a week so is this problem most likely estrogen too high, or too low or not enough test? or the fact that I"m not doing any HCG occasionally. I don't want to have this problem if I have to go on TRT so I want to get this resolved before I have to make that decision. Sorry for writing a novel but wanted to be very thorough. Any legitimate advice from knowledgeable people will be appreciated.