oysters have zinc, which is good, and it is pretty damn hard to OD on oysters in comparison to zinc tablets.
tomatoes are good for the prostate, but not sure how they are for arousal.
fish oils help with male hormone levels, and some fats (including flax) have been shown to lower them
hot peppers help with arousal
meat in general, espeically red, has both zinc and L-arginine (L-arginine raises nitric oxide levels, which assists in boners)
anything that raises dopamine levels - coffee comes to mind.
garlic is high in zinc and L-arginine (remember the boners)
I think chocolate too - the carbs help raise seratonin levels and I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that it has an effect on dopamine levels as well, at least in women (but likely in both since it does contain caffeine)
some seeds have zinc too - but don't recall what - I would assume the edible ones and not say... peach pits or appleseeds