i think that some of these vids are deceptive to the real training. not all of them. i think people are trying to impress the camera and that what you are watching does not really reflect their regular training. but they are good to show that people are training in different ways, with diferent form, different theories all together. unless i am going 4 rep or less heavier i follow this. perfect form is what creates the most pressure on the targeted muscle in a rom that just keeps the weight on the targeted muscle. i could care less about all of the guides and pictures by the best on form. and i could care less about the programs written by the experts about hoe may sets and reps i should do. i care about building mass. so after studying my own development i design my own training that works for me. i think this is the key to success as far as training goes. no schedule, no laid out plan just go by feel. the laid out programs are or the guys who havent learned what they need yet.
the drugs come into play with this exteme training also. when i was running a few grams of suspensions i found myself having to push 15 or so high rep sets before i started to get anything done. when cruizing all i needed was a few rp sets or similar. either way if your not going real heavy there is some leway that would be better utilized focusing solely on the muscles rather than the mirror and making sure it looks right.