sounds like me before i really got serious about amateur-amateur-amateur (did I mention amateur?) bodybuilding. now my diet's much more structured, and my workouts are scheduled and my routines are created in such a way that i feel i can get excellent gains if i keep 'em up for the remaining... eight weeks of my bulking cycle.
6'2 and 170, I'd pack on the muscle if I were you, by eating tons and giving your body some proper rest between workouts. I used to train on an upper body 3x/wk, lower 3x/wk split (using low sets) while eating little and didn't gain much, besides building a somewhat respectable tone.
now i'm following the 5x5 routine brought to my attention by needsize, that big guy in the black trunks. in combo with my diet, i hope to gain an equal amount of strength and mass. so far so good.
but still, you're only at two months - building an ideal body takes time. i've given myself three years so far, and within the next three i hope to hit my goal - 225 lbs at 10% BF. so really don't get discouraged at 2 mos - just realize that whatever you're doing now is good for you and your body in some way, and routinely working out and eating right will help establish those practices as a part of you to carry you on for the rest of your life.