Oh yea, you know I have all sorts of comments on this subject. As a matter of fact I tweaked my low back but good, when I say good it means i can barely touch my toes and lifting 35 lbs sends a sharp pain down my back. Had I gone to a "normal" specialist I would likely be on the road to serious injury, I would have had to have undergone xrays and MRI's and all sorts of stuff as well as anti-inflamatories etc. Instead I spent 5 minutes lying on the table and here I am. I will repeat this prolly 3-5 more times and it will likely be 100% or better. Why didnt my doc check for a ruptured disk? Because a ruptured disk is a symptom of the problem NOT the problem itself. If my spine is stabalized the disk will repaire itself.
Now, before anyone chimes in that their doc is a specialist and has treated many athletes with tried and true methods etc let me just state that my doc has treated many athletes as well and his methods have been around a hell of a lot longer that arthroscopy etc.
I am actually getting a bit tired of trying to convince people but I will give it a whirl again. When your doc says you have a tear and may have to shave some off, ask yourself this, why does something need to be shaved off and how did it get that way in the first place?
To answer the questionit likely got that way doe to laxity in the joint which allowed the joint to wear away at various tissues of the knee. If this is the case, how would removing this damaged tissue solve the problem? It will likely help with pain issues associated with it, but does it do anything for the actually problem of the joint being sloppy? NO it does not and there is nothing that a typical doc can do for it aside from 10 letting it heal, which as we know they dont do because they have everyone eating anti-inflamatories like fucking M&M's or 2) FORCE the supporting tissues to heal and stabalize the joint, doing so will allow the ragged tissue caused by the sloppyness to repair itself.
If you go through with the scoping/tissue removal, due me a favor and tell the doc you want to have the tissue removed lab tested to see if it is in a proliferative state. I can just about gaurantee it will come back and be in a proliferative state. What this means is that its in the process of healing. And, why on god green earth do you want to cut out tissue that is healing?
My recomendations would be to set the vioxx on the counter, goto prolonews.com and find a prolo doc in your area. Listen to what he has to say and then make an educated decision on how to proceed. Prolo will NOT cause any additional damage but arthriscopy CAN. You can always get arthro if you find prolo doesnt work but if he chops you up, there is no going back.