how is everybody doing. ok i'm 5'5'' 150 pounds. i am benching 230 and squating 435. right now i am at a peak in weight lifting. i haven't moved up in awhile. i'm trying to bulk up and get stronger for football. i usually make up my own workout but i am having a hard time tring to come up with the reps and sets i need to do to get stronger. i usually do 4 sets of 6-5 on bench and 4 sets of 8,6,5,4 on squats. no thats not all i do but i dont have time to write everytning down and i don't think yall want to read all of that. when you want to get stronger you usually heavy weight and thats what i am doing but it hasn't been working for awhile. it feels like i am getting a little weaker. could yall help me out and tell me what i should do. thanks alot for your time.