Thanks bros.....i did post it originally on the steroid forum since no one really surfs the pics...i am going to try to hammer my back,lats and delts a bit more the next 5 weeks...and on the bf%, we tried using calipers here, and the only place to grab fat was on the loves...doing the correct procedure on the arms, both extended and straight down to grab on bi and tris there was zero....same on chest and back...none on legs at all either...i am 5'10"...i like the tats....i need some more...still going to get my back done....if i were at 20% bodyfat, the 20 pounds i gained would have been all fat...and i beg to differ on that...thanks to all whether it was criticism or not...thats what we are here help one another...i will keep you guys posted in another 2 weeks...