yep I second what juve said totally.
but I don't understand why everyone freaks out about this 'bloating' so bad, unless you are about to have a photo shoot or a competition or a first date.
what I mean is.. do you guys worry about it purely for aesthetic reasons? because don't worry about it for health reasons.. from what i can tell it will make you bigger and stronger.
"As you can see, sodium and potassium perform very similar functions with the
major difference being in the intra and extra-cellular fluid regulation. Most
everyone is aware that sodium has an effect on subcutaneous (under the skin)
fluid retention. Potassium has its effect on fluid inside the muscle cell. What
most don’t realize is that these two minerals are constantly striving for
equilibrium. When one gets out of line with the other your system will strive to
adjust to the underlying situation.
When you cut your sodium intake, your body will quickly compensate by
holding more sodium in and releasing potassium out thereby decreasing fluid
inside the muscle cell. When you increase your sodium intake your body will
compensate by holding more potassium in (increasing intra-muscular fluid) and
increasing the excretion of sodium.
Sodium, potassium and the balance between the two can have a prominent
impact on muscle size and anabolism (increased cellular fluid inside the muscle
cell promotes an anabolic response in muscle tissue) as well as strength
through increase joint leverage. Also, elevated sodium and potassium levels
will tend to prevent soft tissue injuries so common in heavy training.
Sodium's Influence
Increases muscle size through an increase in muscle cell
fluid volume.
Increasing cellular fluid increases protein turnover and
overload stimulated lean tissue accrual.
Increased intra and extra-cellular fluid increases joint
leverage positively impacting strength for greater muscle
Increased intra and extra-cellular fluid decreases muscle
strains and helps protect soft and connective tissue from
Many critical amino acids are "sodium-dependant". This
means they actually have to attach to a sodium molecule
to enter the muscle cell.
One of the key effects of steroids, especially the high androgenic ones, is their
ability to promote the retention of sodium. This sodium retention is believed to
be a major contributor to the muscle growth experienced while on steroids.
This is a relatively new area of research. The medical community can’t seem
to agree on just how and why steroids work and this appears to be an area
that has been seriously overlooked.
Sodium and potassium are regulated by aldosterone. Aldosterone is produced
in the adrenal cortex. Steroids have a direct influence on the adrenal cortex
which also produces cortisol and other glucocorticoids. See a connection?
We will have much more on the groundbreaking research into The “Sodium
-Anabolic” Connection in the near future. In the meantime, for a serious
anabolic jolt, simply increase your sodium intake by salting your food a little
more. It doesn't take a ton of salt. Just get in the habit of salting your food at
every meal. Steadily increase the amount you use over a one month period.
You'll be bigger, stronger, and much less susceptible to progress halting
injuries. And guess what? It costs only about 27 cents for a 3 month supply.