b fold the truth said:
Ouch...someone is hot about this post. I thought it was freakin' hilarous man. Have I missed something????? I must have.
I also hate it when people say..."..thats what I hate about fucking America...". There used to be a guy at the gym who hated Kentucky yet he moved here from New Jersey. I told him that if he didn't like it...he could go back home.
Don't complain...you have the right to say that you hate America just as he has the right to say what he wishes. I found his post to be funny and I found yours to be a bit repulsive.
B True
Fuck you B fold...what do you have against me? Night Fly? anyways, you're being the unreasonable one here. America has plenty of fucking problems and issues..race being one of them..i personally (since I"m fucking korean you backwoods fuck) am offended and frustrated with the lack of respect asian americans have in regards to any racist post being considered "funny" but if I were to pull out some spic or nigger or kike shit then I would be crucified on the front lawn.
And yes I have the fucking right to be offended when my race is joked and kidded around about and nobody else finds it offensive or anything..so fuck off "oh holy one" and B true, why don tyou be true to yourself and shut the fuck up