well to say it didn't work for me would be bs. i gained 5 pounds in 4 weeks, while gettin a little more definition in my arms and shoulders. no diet change or workout change, and partyin hard 2 nights a weekend. so yeah it made a difference. i was just pissed that i got hormonal sides from something that wasn't supposed to cause them.
hey, maybe my endocrine system didn't like whatever that shit was doin to me, but that was just me. (according to a doc i talked to cortisol suppression can throw the system out of whack and cause problems like gyno - and that's what methoxygen is supposed to do. how valid that statement is i don't know, but it does make sense b/c people with adrenal hyperplasia can't produce cortisol, and they are supposed to go through puberty real young) i've never heard anyone else having the same problems from it though.
but back to the subject, it still wasn't worth the $100 for 5 pounds and some gyno.