New member
I know you are kidding Arioch, or is your elitist Olympic lifting roots coming out to rear its ugly head?
Well, kinda-sorta both.
However, after years of seeing complete horseshit squats given away (like Goggins 1032 at the APF seniors a while back - yes, I was there, and some of the shorter lifters could have walked under his ass at the bottom of the squat) I actually think it should really be cracked down on. Now this is not to say that everyone should squat ATF, but below parallel is below parallel, and there should be no question.
And you should hear some of the excuses people give you when you are judging:
My legs are too big to get that low. (evidently they have never seen SHW OL'ers squat and clean, Mark Henry was 385 and his ass hit his ankles).
My squats are good in XYZ federation (then go lift there and come back after you figure out where parallel is).
My friend said it was good (then why is he not out here judging?)
also I cannot handle their drug testing policy
Well, I cannot lift there either. Are they doing something different that I am currently unaware of? (Have not exactly been reading my newsletters - way behind on a lot of stuff).
and they don't let you use double ply equipment,
Well, they are the IPF affiliate, and they must conform.
Please tell us you were kidding Arioch, so we can go back to loving you.
Better to be feared.
If you must know, there is one thing that really pisses me off about the USAPL, and that is the sactimonious, holier-than thou attitudes a lot of their administration have. And this is coming from somone who has served in quite a few capacities, including committee member. The judges, admins, and everybody else are there for the lifter, not the other way around. This seems to be forgotten, and I absolutely cannot stand it.