Hogan is not, nor was he ever, a "fat fuck". I can't believe how so many guys on EF attack anyone who has some, or even a slight significant amount of fat on their bodies, all the while discounting their overall physique. So what if he has a bit of a gut and puffy nipples? Wouldn't you rather have that, ALONG WITH 22 INCH PYTHONS AND A CHEST LIKE ARNOLD ALONG WITH CALVES LIKE RONNIE, rather than be some flat-chested, 6 inch bicep pencil-neck who just happens to have a slim, tight stomach? Please.....I've noticed a trend in the bodybuilding world for bros to "starve" themselves in order to have a slim, six-pack waste, even at the expense of lowering their protein and caloric intake to the point that they lose a great deal of muscle mass and strength in their biceps, arms and legs. This shit has to stop. Too many bros are sacrificing their overall physique just to have "perfect abs" like a male swimsuit model. Believe me, women love a flat stomach, but they would rather have a guy with a bit of a stomach who also has huge arms and a built chest.