how do i know when it feels right?
also, i saw this following post on abcbodybuilding, was wondering if it seems logical...........
"Test to find your fiber type. Thought you all might find this interesting. This has helped me figure out how to TRY and best train the major muscle groups."
Author: Freethinker 4912
Here is a test to find your fiber type in your quads. You need a Leg Extensions machine, partner, and a stopwatch.
1. Walk into the gym, hop on the Leg Extension machine and perform 3 warm up sets progressively increasing the resistance. Don't get to intense on the warm ups, if your quads are predominatly composed of FT fibers, then over warming up may Phuk up the results since FT fibers fatique easily. I wouldn't perform any more than 2-3 light warmups.
2. Once you feel warmed up you need to find your 1 rep max on the machine taking 5 sec to raise and lower the weight. Get your partner to count out loud with the stopwatch, so that you know how slow to move. Don't worry about injuries, if you move slow enough you shouldn't get one.
3. Once you find out your 1 rep max taking a total of 10 seconds under tension, thats it for workout 1.
4. On your next leg day, hop on the LE machine and perform 1 light warm up set.
5. Take a 10 min break.
6. Load up about 80% (or as close as you can get to 80%) of the 1 rep max. You are going to peform as many reps as you possibly can with the 80% of your 1 rep max, with a rep candence of also 5 sec up and 5 sec down. So get your partner to count out loud (1...2...3...4....5....1...2...3...4...5) so you know how slow to move. Go till you reach failure. Then once you reach failure record the time.
7. If the time you reached failure at was above 45-50 seconds, then your most likely slower twitch. If lower than 45-50, most likely faster twitch.
"For example, Workout 1 perform 2-3 warm ups. Load up 250lbs and get 1 rep. Next workout load up 200lbs and get say 5 reps (total time 50 seconds). I know that my optimal time under tension for my quads is somewhere around 50 seconds. So what I do is load up enough weight on the bar to reach failure at around 50 seconds. That way my quads are reaching their optimal Time Under Tension (TUT)."