Nobody can make a blanket statement to say that ONE THING will work for everyone - even IF you are built similar to someone else. You can be the same height and weight as someone, with similar fat distribution and you will both STILL have different caloric intake to lose fat OR gain muscle.
It doesn't even have to do with body TYPE. it has to do with individual genetics, muscle/BF percent, age, hormone levels, activity choices, activity levels, exercise/diet history, sleep amounts, stress amounts, water intake, medications, etc. There are so many things that can influence caloric intake and results.
Yes, the basic fat loss forumla is 10-12xBW to determine caloric intake. But even THAT must be modified based off your results. Some people can cut with higher calories, some go lower. In GENERAL you should no go below 10xBW - especially not to start with. Losing fat (and thus, typically gaining definition) is a trial and error process that takes TIME until you figure out what intake works for YOU.
You should generally start with 12xBW and then go from there. If you do not lose after 2-4 weeks of following this - then drop calories SLOWLY, a little bit at a time. Sometimes, you do not even have to drop CALORIES - you just need to change the food choices or meal timing. Or adjust avtivity choices or levels.
You MUST take the time to get to know **your** body ....
xzillr8 - how long have you been following this diet? How about the workout routine?