wow. sorry I was away for a few days. I bought mine from purity solutions. If I am breaking rules by saying their name I am sorry. I thought that was only a big deal with illegal substances. Anyway, after about 7 days at 50mg/day I was so happy with the results that I had to start stacking. I am now doing 250 testC eod and 200 EQ eod on top of the ment. Pretty early for the long chains to have exerted much influence, but I can tell I'm about to gain a lot of weight very quickly. As far as ment being something worth checking into, it absolutely is. For people who don't insist on basically bathing in gear, and who as a result are more aware and appreciative of moderate but quality gains, this stuff could be great. I have no idea if it would be suitable for a cycle all by itself, but the week I spent on it saw me change by the day. My arms went from flat to huge, and my muscle bellies in general filled up with every passing day. I noticed little to no changes in attitude or mood, besides being happy that this legal substance was actually effective as hell. Bottom line is that this stuff is worth buying. I dissolved it in grapeseed oil that had been passed through a 0.22 micron filter. Bacteria can reestablish themselves after being removed with no problem at all; people get infections in operating rooms all the time, and those places are painstakingly cleaned. We are always risking abscess when we do what we do, and I don't see making your own solution as any less sterile than buying some underground shit manufactured by God knows who. I see no reason why people shouldn't go out and buy this stuff if they're interested in gains. Buy it from whoever you want. I don't work for purity solutions, I don't care where you get it from or if you get it at all. But I do recommend it. Throw it into a very simple cycle as the only unfamiliar compound, like ment and testP, something like that. You'll know what to expect from just the test, and you'll have the ment and synergistic effects to thank for the extra oomph. I'll report back in another week. Thanks.