Ur tren must be weak as fuck ! Cuz if she was stronger that u in the dream then there was some issues
My dreams on tren are of me like beating the shit outta people on he road wile driving and ripping of limbs and shit very angry strong vivid crazy mad fighting dreams
No way any woman would be stronger than me in my dream
Or guy for that matter ( my dreams im a full blown beast ready to snap)
Guns ,blood ,and death kinda freaking dreams with death metal as the theme music playing in the background!!
The pumps suck bad you get used to it. Just weigh the positive and the negatives. If there is too many cons and not enough pros just drop the tren and stick with test. I found taurine helped a lot with the pumps and cramps.
Everything is still going well. Started a new vial of tren two weeks ago and i had to get a different lab and it was dosed abit stronger had breathing and mental sides kick back in for a week or so but all good again. Sitting at about 102kgs and visibly down 2 or 3% body fat. I've only got 3 weeks left of tren so I upped the dose to 400mgs today just to use the rest of the bottle and I'm handling it well.
I thought my strength gains had stagnated so I thought I'd go for a 1RM on bench today. Before cycle I was pushing 140kg for 1 today hit 155 and nearly pushed the cunt through the roof. Should have tried for 160 but I was too happy with getting the lift and completely forgot to try more. Checked the footage after and I recon I could have hit 165 of i tried 155 went up so quick