BiG n Natural
New member
Borg4902 said:Wouldnt the a-dex and the dieretics take care of the small amounts of water retained with these drugs?
the a-dex wont help the slight water one gets while on eq or tren
the adex would help lower estrogen and keep u lookin more cut if u were gona b running it to look good for summer, but for a comp. no estrogen whatsoever should b present, thats y u stop it 10 days out
i didnt kno hed b on diuretics, that should get rid of the lil extra water the tren should make u hold. so u could run it straight through...
i would personally stop 6 days b4 hand, u could up ur dose of the masteron winny n primo if u think ur gona lose size those last 6 days