That back picture is sweet. What does your back workout consist of? Excellent waist line. What is your waist measurement and what is your cycle history?
That back picture is sweet. What does your back workout consist of? Excellent waist line. What is your waist measurement and what is your cycle history?
when I do back, I do at least chin-ups, deadlift and bent over rows. Most of the time I will throw in upright rows and reverse flyes depending on my schedule for the day. My waist measures 30 in this pic I think. It will get a little smaller closer to game day. I sent these pics to a guy that I met who is a former Nat'l ranked BB'er. Man, he let me have. Which is a good thing. Helps me to refocus. Some of his observations were that I need to increase the thickness of my arms, he recommended hammer curls. I guess the biggest problem he says that I have is rear delts. I need to definitely make those a priority. Although, when I'm pumped, they don't look as bad as they do in these pics. Thanks for the comments. You got a PM.
Pretty much, I just try ensure two things every day 1) I get about 200 grams of protein a day and 2) my calories stay around 1600 (my bmr is 1800). I carry around a little notebook and I write down what I eat and when. Here is yesterday:
0600 1/3 cup oatmeal w/ 2 Tblsp Peanut butter 250 cal 13 prot
1000 1/4 cup salmon w/2 scrambled eggs 340 cal 28 prot
1200 4 oz chicken breast 1 hardboiled egg 195cal 33 prot
1500 1 can tuna 1 egg 1/2 (5 0z)sweet potato 350 cal 35 prot
2000 4oz chicken breast 125 cal 26 protein
2200 1 cup cottage cheese and M-plex bar 340 calories 41 protein
**1600 calories total and about 185g protein
Of course sometimes it varies, I'll get more or less the same though.