Thanks Boarding and everyone else. I'm going to experiment this weekend and try to drop my water to see if I can do what I think I can do.
SuperQT, well, maybe we should save this one for the BTS forum.....
Not2B, she did get back with me, but not on the deadlift question. At first I was thinking that it has something to do with letting the blood come out of your muscles so they will look more cut. I know that you don't want to work legs about 10 days out from a show so you can really get the cuts. But she said 10 weeks for deads. Maybe there is less chance of injury. Then again, maybe she will see this question and answer it for us. I kind of feel bad because she has really put alot of time in writing me some detailed instructions for these last few weeks. She is really a great lady who is very knowledgable about bodybuilding. You can see that just by looking at her pics though.
Trailerpark, I'm gonna let you two handle this one by yourselves.

Although I would recommend to anyone who is going to compete for the first time to get a video tape on posing. The one that I got and probably just about everyone just getting into it gets first is called "Perfect Posing" and it really sheds some light on things that otherwise, you probably wouldn't think about.