The first few years I began training, I followed structured routines and counted reps sets etc. But After awhile and especially recently will me trying to cut bodyfat I noticed I wasn't seeing any changes. Within the past 2 months I've started to "train by instict" I aim for 6 days a week in the gym. I've been doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, something steady state, P90x cardio or a run. Then If I'm off work I'll train twice. Once around 11am or noon and then again later around 430pm I'll always do legs chest and back biceps and triceps twice. Abs I do every 3 days and shoulders I do once. But the reps, the order the sets, I go by how I feel and I've seen nothing but improvements. 10 pounds on my bench. 50 on my squat and about 5 on my deadlift. I always go heavy and do a 5x5 2x12 3x10 or a 10 8 6 rep scheme for the big 3 and the rest I go by feel. Sometimes I'll do dumbell flyes with 60-70-80 for a 8 7 6 or maybe I'll do 30, 40, 50, for 20-15-12. Either way I listen to by body ALWAYS PUSH MYSELF If I do lighter weights I go til failure, Heavy weight I listen to my body. I always feel great in the gym and during recovery. Anyone else train this way? If you do, how is it working out for you?