I work out w/ two other guys. A 55 yr old former power lifter and a 21 year old young cocky wise ass( actually hes a great bud). Anyway everyone comes in kind of down and dreary which only fueled my anger because I was pumped for the task at hand.
So, we start w/ bent over bb rows w/ 45's a side for 15 reps. I do these w/ a 2 second hold to ensure a good squeeze, my philosophy is if you cant do this, the wieght is too heavy, period.
2nd set 225. this is where the dislocation starts. I crank out 15 reps my buds 10 at best. There starting to get pissed.
3rd set 275 12 reps. This is the point where the true warrior prevails. My youngest partner hits 6 w/ terrible form. I tell him maybe he should go down in wieght, he calls me a F%#@ and is in a rage ( he hates criticism) my older partner is hysterical laughing.
4th set 295. Im alone on this one. I get into position throw my elbows back and hit 7 solid reps. Both of my buds have just been humbled.
we follow w/
3 set of one arm dbell rows w/ 100's for 12-15 reps
4 sets of barbell shrugs 225-405 12-15 reps
3 sets of lat pull downs .
3 sets close grip 185-245 for 8-10 reps
3 sets wieghted dips 45dbl to start up to 100's for 10 reps
3 sets pushdowns until we cant push down anymore all w/ drop sets.
It was brutal yet euphoric. I slept like a baby. This morning Im beat but ready to go to battle against legs and shoulders tomorrow.
So, we start w/ bent over bb rows w/ 45's a side for 15 reps. I do these w/ a 2 second hold to ensure a good squeeze, my philosophy is if you cant do this, the wieght is too heavy, period.
2nd set 225. this is where the dislocation starts. I crank out 15 reps my buds 10 at best. There starting to get pissed.
3rd set 275 12 reps. This is the point where the true warrior prevails. My youngest partner hits 6 w/ terrible form. I tell him maybe he should go down in wieght, he calls me a F%#@ and is in a rage ( he hates criticism) my older partner is hysterical laughing.
4th set 295. Im alone on this one. I get into position throw my elbows back and hit 7 solid reps. Both of my buds have just been humbled.
we follow w/
3 set of one arm dbell rows w/ 100's for 12-15 reps
4 sets of barbell shrugs 225-405 12-15 reps
3 sets of lat pull downs .
3 sets close grip 185-245 for 8-10 reps
3 sets wieghted dips 45dbl to start up to 100's for 10 reps
3 sets pushdowns until we cant push down anymore all w/ drop sets.
It was brutal yet euphoric. I slept like a baby. This morning Im beat but ready to go to battle against legs and shoulders tomorrow.