oooooooohhhhhh that sounds SOOOOO like my ex....shit used to drive me FUCKING INSANE!! You'd get her there....and than she'd clamp up, than you'd have to start all over again....pretty soon you get tired of the bullshit and cum all over which she can than tell her friends that you're not doing it right. This is exactly why I want an experienced woman.....I didn't say whore....but I would definitely prefer finding a woman that has had alot of "relationships"....which would tell me that she's sexually experienced but also looks for more than just a cheap fuck. I will never again date a woman who is repressed like that. yourself a favor and move on....a woman has to let herself can't do it for matter what you do. If you make her cum once....she'll than put up another now she'll only be able to cum one way. She can't and won't give up's internal, there's something in her that's just wired wrong when it comes to sexuality. So as I said, do yourself a favor and find a woman who is free. There's nothing wrong with a young girl who's inexperienced....but she has to have that willing attitude to explore with you. If she's NEVER had an orgasm with you or anyone else....there's something messed up inside only she can fix.