This question is'nt anabolic but anyway,could i train my biceps now and later on the evening my bench muscles? it may sound stupidbut by training is pretty screwed up now.
sorry bro cant figure out what your asking. most everyone is doing one body part a day once a week with a two or three day split. i personnally think you can hit biceps up to three times a week the reasoning behind this is that biceps are small mucsle groups that are constantly being used. They will deplete rapidly but also replete rapidly. hit arms by there self once a week and add 1 bicep exercise to the end of your workout with at least a day between them. I wouldn't hit them twice in the same day unless you got a date. some people do two a days but from what i've seen it's usually only when their trying to cut up and need to burn some more fat off. also mix up your arm routine because most of the time its just that your muscles have become accustomed to your workout.