When I was training BJJ, I did not lift on the days we rolled. My split was M, W, F for BJJ and lifting Tues, Thurs, and Sat. God that was hell on my joints.
What I CAN tell you is that was about 4.5 hours long (big class though). And that was only the yellow belt one. I'm up for green this summer and rumor is that the sparring begins at hour 5.
...It's just that bodybuilding and martial arts is a difficult mix. At least for me now. All this controlled reps from bodybuilding combined with ballistic and conditioning training from my fighting style makes recovery more difficult. Plus it leaves the joints more sore than normal. Advice.
Man I struggled with this many times so I know where you're coming from.
One thing you may want to consider is the use of a split that has a day for low weight with fast explosive movements, to directly hit type II muslce fibers, and a day for heavy weight with low reps and perfect form. This will be a bracket type of program making sure you are training for explosize strength and power. For the heavy days your reps should be a little lower than for a hypertrophy type of program. I would alernate these workout types and for both, use multi-joint, full body exercises. Lastly, consider running up hill or stairs with very long explosive strides up (come down as slow and easy as you like, it can actually get dangerous when you get really fatigued). This will help your endurance tremendously as well as build a lot of strength in the lower part of your body. Good luck with it man.
What I CAN tell you is that was about 4.5 hours long (big class though). And that was only the yellow belt one. I'm up for green this summer and rumor is that the sparring begins at hour 5.