Sorry for the long gap between posts. Busy, busy, busy...
Week 5, Day 29:
Libido still up, no male "functioning" issues, despite taking ZERO hormonal support supplements (i.e., Unleashed, HCGenerate, etc.). I've continued to lean, but I'm now consistently weighing 222.5 lbs. My cold measurements (as of last week, when I measured) are as follows:
Neck: 18"
Chest: 50"
Bicep: 17.5"
Forearm: 13.5"
Waist: 33"
Hips: 42"
Thigh: 27"
Calf: 17.5"
Numbers are rounded down to the nearest "large" fraction (i.e., forearms were 13.625", but rounded down to 13.5")
My back was a little tight last week, which seemed to affect some exercises, but not others (ex: barbell bench did not go up, but dumbbell bench press did).
The sides from S-4 have not worsened now, even after 4 weeks. I'm going to keep it at 50mg/day for this cycle, but when I start it up again after PCT following my first round of Beastdrol/Kanadrol, I'm going to dose it at 75mg/day to see what happens.
I've never tried Sarmssearch or how it is bottled, but my biggest complaint with Uniquemicals' products is the type of bottle has a "childproof" lid, which is good, but it does not form a good seal, and if not kept upright, or if it's knocked over accidentally, a small amount will leak out. Additionally, it seems like some of the liquid is also lost in the "drawing" process; if you dip the syringe too deep in the bottle, residual liquid clings to the outside of the syringe, which over time, affects the supply. This is my only explanation, as I dosed it at 50mg/day, but found that my first bottle of S-4 ran out a few days short (by Day 26). Not a huge deal, just got to be more careful not to put the syringe too deep in the bottle when drawing the liquid out.
I forgot to add in my original post, I am also taking Need2Slin and Alpha T2. An interesting weight-loss observation I've made so far with a little "experiment" I've done is I only take 1 cap of Alpha T2 each day, approximately 2 hours after my last solid meal following my workout. Then I'll go to work and fast for 6 hours (so a total of 8 hours without food). I'll usually take my lunch break and load up on a decent meal, typically moderate carbs and high protein. Every time I do this, I can literally see a visible improvement in my leanness I can only assume it's a synergistic result between the fat oxidation effects of the SARMs and the fat mobilization effects of Alpha T2's Rauwolscine HCL.
I'll get some lifting numbers posted up in the near future. Also, for the sake of avoiding overtraining (since SARMS and AAS are not the same in terms of muscle recovery rates)and to reliably manage my workouts between my job, school, and my family, I've switched to a 4-day split: Legs/Abs, Chest/Tris, Back/Bis, and Shoulders/Traps/Abs.