I'd imagine if you are serious about being an actual professional bb like the guys over at AE, and juiced to the gills, then 3 g/lb would not be overkill for a bulking cycle.
I actually spend most of my time over there. I personally am natural. So 3 g/lb is out of the question. It is not only probably overkill for a natural but financially for someone who isn't doing this for a living, it's crazy.
1.5 g/lb seems to be a pretty easy level to reach for most and I think it's a good goal for a natural bb.
I agree, it's not the best article I've ever read. Although a lot of the ones on the site are a pretty good read. I especially liked the one called "Extreme eating for mass". If any of you guys are looking for another article on that site to attack, go give it a read.
That gut is dumb as fuck...First off you would have to drink about 5 gallons of water a day to keep your kidneys in shape and who the hell can afford to eat 750 gm of protein a day
I feel bad for the people who take this asshole for the truth.. Theyre gonna end up tearing the lining of their intestines, internal bleeding, and death. All because of one asshole on the internet.. Amazing how there are so many fuckin morons alive
I feel bad for the people who take this asshole for the truth.. Theyre gonna end up tearing the lining of their intestines, internal bleeding, and death. All because of one asshole on the internet.. Amazing how there are so many fuckin morons alive