Awesome post bikinimom, I should frame that for all the people who "eat ice cream" and starve themselves all the time so they can "eat ice cream" and still "look good."
I have nothing against Subway personally, I think it contains a shitload of calories which is why when I'm lifting hard and trying to gain muscle which is most of the time, I'll throw in a subway sub now and then. The roasted chicken 12" is probably over 600 cals? There are worse foods.
But the idea of the subway diet and the idea that some fucking lardass who loses weight in this way is some kind of HERO, that is laughable. I find this very annoying. I work out for years and years, but people don't seem to respect real dedication, instead they're all full of praise for the guy like my friend who has always been a big lardass, but who has lost 10 lbs. (that easy first 10 lbs. when you're 30 lbs. too fat) because he's taken the first halting (and temporary no doubt) step towards fitness by walking or riding the bike 3 times a week and eating a bit better.
Wow great, I ride the bike *to cool down* after 4-5 intense weight training sessions per week, and I'm supposed to sit around cheering because someone remembered how to put one foot in front of the other for a couple of weeks?
Man I'll tell you, this society is so full of praise for the tiniest accomplishments. It's a wonder we ever get anywhere. I think I'm going to move to Sweden or something.
By the way, Jerry Seinfeld is currently doing a "bit" on Jared. He has a whole thing about the quantities of food Americans consume today. And I quote: "just what kind of sorry human being was this guy before, if he can lose 100 lbs. on an all-hoagie diet? yeah, that's a real diet plan. Give me the MEATBALL HERO." LOL